ESG: Tech for Good
We are committed to making the world a better place through our comprehensive ESG framework.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise takes pride in its commitment to corporate ESG compliance and consistent operations within the principles of the law, as well as adhering to the strictest standards for global environmental protection.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) frameworks have been a part of standard business practices at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, embedded in corporate policies and established processes. These ensure we always act responsibly and comply with all national and local laws in labour, health and safety, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, ethics and the environment.
Many of our ESG priorities are addressed in the ALE Code of Conduct, which is the cornerstone of our business ethics, integrity, and ESG compliance commitment.
In our ongoing journey, since joining the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2019, we have publicly acknowledged our commitment to the Ten Principles of the UNGC and have made steady progress towards our ESG goals.
In 2023 we evolved our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme to launch a formal ESG programme under our Global Revenue and Operations Office. The new ESG framework and strategy address the priority of meeting our sustainable development goals and becoming better prepared to meet upcoming EU regulations, as well as partnering with our customers to deliver tech for good.
This commitment reflects our dedication to environmental, social, and governance factors and ESG governance in our operations and underscores our pledge to uphold ESG values and ESG practices.
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