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- 无风扇和有风扇设计,工作温度为 0 - 50⁰ C
- 在不增加成本的情况下,充分解决边缘网络问题
- 包含城域以太网服务功能,面向运营商部署
- 阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniVista Cirrus网络管理服务支持安全、灵活、可扩展和基于云的网络管理
- 高可用性,支持:
- 虚拟机箱
- 冗余堆叠链路
- 主/备设备故障切换
- 热插拔电源
- 配置回退
- OS6570M-12
- OS6570M-U28
阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniSwitch 6570M
阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniSwitch® 6570M 千兆以太网 LAN 交换机系列是业界领先的网络汇聚及接入解决方案,适用于企业和运营商网络。
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Release Notes (Rev.C)
Includes new hardware and software feature descriptions, feature parity matrix, known and fixed issues and upgrade instructions.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Transceivers Guide (Rev. B)
Includes transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
OmniSwitch 6570M Hardware Users Guide (Rev. E)
This user guide documents OmniSwitch 6570M hardware, including chassis and associated components.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Transceivers Guide (Rev. A)
Includes transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 CLI Reference Guide (Rev. A)
Complete reference to all CLI commands supported on the OmniSwitch. Includes syntax definitions, default values, examples, usage guidelines and CLI-to-MIB vari…
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Advanced Routing Guide (Rev. …
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the software features and protocols included in the advanced routing software pack…
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Network Configuration Guide (…
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the major software features and protocols included in the base software package.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Switch Management Guide (Rev.…
Includes procedures for readying an individual switch for integration into a network.
OmniSwitch Product Line Matrix Comparison
Compare all Alcatel-Lucent OmniSwitches LAN solutions in this interactive matrix.